Our diverse team of skilled divers, including both 50m surface air divers and saturation divers, allows us to provide tailored solutions for various marine salvage projects. Prioritising safety, efficiency, and environmental responsibility, our technical expertise and commitment to excellence ensures the delivery of successful outcomes for all your marine salvage needs.
SERVICESProviding highly technical and extensively trained personnel and services critical to industries including offshore oil and gas, marine construction, underwater infrastructure, and scientific research. Our expertise includes...
SERVICESZADS specialise in providing highly skilled 50m surface air commercial divers for a wide range of underwater projects. Our team of experienced divers is proficient in various tasks and can be relied upon to deliver exceptional results. Our expertise includes...
SERVICESThe role of Diver Medic Technicians is pivotal in safeguarding the health and safety of divers throughout their underwater activities. Their combination of medical expertise and diving knowledge ensures that divers receive prompt medical attention, emergency response, and proper care in challenging and potentially hazardous environments. At ZADS, we understand the critical importance of Diver Medic Technicians in maintaining the well-being of our diving teams.